Neon Genesis Evangelion: TV Animation Production Art Collection

Product Review

This was a really cool find in the bookstore. I had no idea they had released an art book after Evangelion’s debut on Netflix. The art book covers the production of the original TV series and the movie “The End of Evangelion”.

This 432 page hard cover book showcases, character designs, mech designs, weapons, and more. It doesn’t, however, include any images with color, as these are just design sketches.

This was a little disappointing, but I’m still happy with my purchase. I know I’ll be using this book for inspiration for a long time. There are so many illustrations and designs I have never seen before.

I recommended it for any EVA fan, that being said I hope they do release more quality EVA merch here in North America, an art book of the rebuild movies would be awesome.

It’s available on Amazon for just under $50, which isn’t too bad for a hard cover artbook.
Below are some photos but I’m still working on photographing art books so I may upload new ones later.

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